Putting your business on a 7-figure path is a series of shamanic initiations. Knowing what these initiations are and how to recognize when they are underway can make the difference between the journey feeling stressful and degrading or feeling illuminating and ecstatic.
When I brought my second child into the world 11 years ago, my son Jacob, I had a sudden realization. With a mix of excitement, grief and wonder, I really saw that mothering two children wasn’t going to be just more of the same, it was actually a completely different realm, for which I was not prepared and few of the skills I had developed in mothering my first child applied!
My son came to us when my daughter Pasha was 4 ½ . I had passed through those massively transformative first and second years with her and was starting to feel like I had some game as a mother. When my daughter turned two I remember thinking, “Wow! That was a crazy and amazing couple of years! I feel so grateful that I have my bearings now.”
I had no idea that the initiation of the second child is every bit as wild, disorienting and transformative as the first.
Parenting two kids isn’t even in the same realm as parenting one. There were completely new ways I was stretched, that my creativity came online. I realized my Jacob is nothing like Pasha and so much of what I learned parenting her was not all that applicable!
I knew deep in my bones that saying yes to another little one was the best thing I ever did. It was cosmic, soul-level experience that grew me, and continues to grow me, in delightful and challenging ways.
The journey of creating a business that generates six figures of revenue annually is no small feat. It works you from every energetic angle and demands your full authenticity and devotion every day. In the span of that journey you’ve probably made the first ‘significant’ investment in a coach, have taken business trainings in sales or social media, offered your work at high-end rates and recognized your value, your love and your authority in ways you couldn’t have imagined.
But if you know the destiny of your business is to be on a 7-figure, or multiple 7-figure timeline, pay attention to what’s happening in your life right now. Because just as bringing a second child into the world is its own initiation that is completely unique to the initiation of the first, if you are feeling a resonance with this message it’s very likely you’re already in the portal of a 7-figure initiation.
It’s going to be a wild ride, and having a map of what’s coming can support you meet it with openness, curiosity and love.
In traditional ceremonial spaces, the normal meaning assigned to certain experiences – emotions, circumstances, thoughts, identities – are all rearranged. Since we have no formal culturally sanctioned ceremony to step on the 7-figure path, your initiation might be underway but you may not realize it.
And because your inner architecture of leadership is going to go through multiple upgrades that require you to show up in the physical realm of your business and relationships differently, it’s essential that you understand the inner processes that will take place, so you can put maps in place that respond to these massive changes within – not unlike needing new boundaries and routines when you bring a newborn into the world!
This week I’m hosting a free masterclass on the four initiations of embodied millions. It’s clear to me that the more money conscious, embodied women of service have, the more our entire planet benefits. More and more women are awakening then conscious millionaire within. The Universe is literally opening greater paths of wealth for those who want to uplift the world and lead the conversation of wholeness, love, interdependence and magic.
What are the initiations awaiting you?
Join us here to find out.
Dive deep into the well of wealth consciousness, embodying quantum shifts and non-dual shamanic skills on your 7 Figure Path
Join our free webinar, Living Legend, and learn the mechanics of evolving to 7 figures as a high-level coach.