Living Legend

Join our free webinar, Living Legend, and learn the mechanics of evolving to 7 figures as a high-level coach.

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Living fully expressed is the path.

Norm-Defying, Dream Manifesting, Shamanic guidance for the Living Legends of Our Time

7 figures

is the side effect.

Living fully expressed is the path. 7 Figures is the side effect.

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Beyond coaching, beyond healing, beyond embodiment, is

Welcome to your wealth awakening

You deserve a life illuminated by the radiance of your expressed potential - a journey guided only by your Inner Signal.

 Direct Knowing.

Juliet Trnka -

Founder of Direct Knowing

Coyote Shaman, Self-Made Millionaire 

Juliet is an intuitive leader and guide dedicated to the actualization journey of powerful women inside Direct Knowing. Attuned to working with consciousness-oriented leaders, Juliet invites ambitious women to defy conventional norms and create with the mystery of the unconditioned self. Having manifested a 4 million dollar company, working with the global management teams of multinationals, Hollywood actresses and producers, US political officials, and high-level entrepreneurs, she knows how to make fruitful the intersection between magic and worldly success. As a Forbes Business Council member, best-selling author, and sought-after thought leader, she stands for what is possible when we prioritize our creative authority.

Direct Knowing transcends the boundaries of traditional coaching into an experiential process where greater success blooms from immersing yourself fully in the present moment. Birthed from Juliet's decades of entrepreneurial experience and grown through a global community of futurist healers, founders and coaches, Direct Knowing is a living vessel of success, redefined. It magnetizes those who seek an advanced experience of the intersection of luxury, consciousness and making change through inspiration.

I teach the magic of being and becoming, the wheel of manifestation and the mastery of money

Direct Knowing transcends the boundaries of traditional coaching into an experiential process where greater success blooms from immersing yourself fully in the present moment. Birthed from Juliet's decades of entrepreneurial experience and grown through a global community of futurist healers, founders and coaches, Direct Knowing is a living vessel of success, redefined. It magnetizes those who seek an advanced experience of the intersection of luxury, consciousness and making change through inspiration.


the goldmind 

Secret Podcast Episodes!

the goldmind 


You want to access the detailed, behind the scenes secrets of weaving consciousness, innovative sales strategies, savvy business structure and manifestation to expand your business  on your terms. You want to see how Direct Knowing creates multiple 6-figure months (while breaking every industry 'rule'!)

You are ready for THE GOLDMIND EPISODES - these secret episodes are NOT released to the public platform. Designed for innovative, unapologetically soulful coaches looking to skyrocket sales without boring, cookie-cutter approaches and endless hours online.

Subscribe NOW and get instant access to the BTS of my $200K months, with inspiration in how to aplly this to YOUR business. The truth? You don't need my 'signature system' - or anyone else's! You only need a space that empowers you to follow your deepest inner signal, then gives you the highest level of guidance in implementing it.

Are you in?


"I built a 6-figure business and I'm now debt free!"

April Olson Mata

"I tripled my last years revenue in 45 days."

Angel Pylka

"I'm negotiating 5&6 figure offerings!"

Accelerate your

7 figures is the destiny of your business 




The keys to limitless manifestation, spiritual AND material wealth and the portal to an extra $100K in your bank account no matter where you're currently at


FREE when you join us in the Beyond Circle!