
master's circle

Get the skills, strategies, and radical self-trust to hit your
year with 7-figure shamanic coach, Juliet Trnka

Get the skills, strategies, and radical self-trust to hit your
year with 7-figure shamanic coach, Juliet Trnka

your future is calling your future

million dollar 

million dollar 

THE SEVEN is an evolving, multidimensional growth experience designed to unearth and actualize YOUR blueprint to
7-figures and beyond. 

The industry-disrupting, woo AF,
12-month, high-touch MASTERMIND

We don't do one-size-fits-all formulas, because your uniqueness is your strongest selling point.

We take all the 'blocks' and 'resistance' you've been apologizing for and flip your view, so you can see them for the superpowers they are.

We leverage your strengths and give space for you to release the outdated strategies that have weighed you down.

We believe in WHOLE LIFE ELEVATION, where your business is one limb of an amazing life. 

We don't compartmentalize, we alchemize.

Inside the 7, you'll spread your wings and be celebrated for it. You'll learn the skills to build legacy wealth from within.

From advanced trainings in scaling Outlaw Style, to weekly Q+A's and hotseat coaching, to guest experts, to our in-person gatherings in Bali, Mexico, Sedona and France, to Quarterly masterminds, to the binge-able members-only Vault, to the sisterhood of revolutionaries..

Get ready to experience wealth-building like you've never seen it before.

In other words, learn to scale as a way to get your life back.

the seven is not just about fat paydays. 

it's about building a life where you make decisions based in your values - because your bank account can afford it and your schedule always has the space.

so when life throws a crisis your way, or a bigger, crazier dream erupts than ever before, you get to walk through it in way you're proud of. 

You are ready to become the ONLY option for your ideal client, but it's like you're feeling your way in the dark..

You have a vision but lack plan -  You love intentional strategic action that drips with femininity. You just don't yet see how your next leap comes into form

believe me I've been there

You are determined to take your successful business to 6 and 7 figure months - You are so ready to lean into your edgiest messaging, to champion your movement and develop a ravenous appetite for fear and failure. You want to learn how to eat them for breakfast and lick your fingers after.

You feel crunched for time (or paralyzed in how to use the time you have) - You are a woman of zero excuses, but the time crunch feels REAL. When you do have time, you've got a thousand ideas but no sense of where your greatest leverage point is. You are ready for unquestionable time freedom.

You are self-led and LOVE upleveling your skills - You're not looking for a cheerleader and you don't need accountability. Your business is your legacy, your dharma. What you DO need is to be in an environment that consistently inspires you, uplevels you and calls you into greater authenticity, daring and greatness.


You value Spirit Guides as much as KPI's - You know that your business growth is NOT separate from your spiritual growth. You yearn for a space where intuition and manifestation are valued. You want the radical possibilities that come with honoring and inviting the illogical, the irrational and crazy parts of you.

The other 997 are bottlenecking themselves with outdated strategies, untrue assumptions and rigid one-size-fits-all approaches.

The truth?
Out of 1,000 coaches, only 3 will hit 7 figures.

Most coaches and entrepreneurs think growth is about DOING more, so they end up on an endless time-for-money hamster wheel.

They spend hours trying to figure out where new clients will come from, they assume they need to give away free coaching for clients to buy, are in social media slavery, playing every role in their business and feeling a tug-of-war between their business and their families, health and joy.

We are not ok with this! 
THE SEVEN exists to shift these odds and set you free. 

the seven
masters circle

let me introduce...

EMPOWER YOUR JOURNEY To Create Your Millions, Your Way

JOIN NOW and access a bonus $6K mastermind with juliet

JOIN NOW and access a bonus $6K mastermind with juliet


I know this will sound crazy, but the stuff you've been judging yourself for is the KEY to your ideal growth blueprint. Life looks a lot better when there is nothing to fucking apologize for about being YOU.


scale the sacred outlaw way

submissive sales

how does it sound to hold such a high standard of doing ONLY what you love, that you embody a vision that's irresistible to your ideal client? We teach sales as a process of magnetism, not coercion.


custom strategy

We develop systems that amplify your weird genius so powerfully that you have clients who don't even need a sales page or a call



Mass-marketing business courses and ego-driven approaches just can't seem to understand that there are Greater Forces at work in our lives. We overtly include, honor and flirt with the Spirits, inviting ceremony, energy upgrades and manifestation training as the bedrock of every creation


your 7-figure year starts here..

Module 01

7-Figure Energetics

Unlocking Your Financial Potential

The energy is EVERYTHING. Advanced wealth embodiment tools like you've never seen!

Module 02

advanced brand strategy

it's not about 'niche', it's about causing movement

This is the foundation that determines wether your next month will be crickets or cash.

Module 03

exponential offer flow

intelligent, intuitive, profitable offers

Treat your offers like beloved employees + they will compound your cash FOR you!

Module 04

next-level sales systems

with correct design, sales are effortless

6 figure months happen by DESIGN. This is where we show you how.

Module 05

magnetic messaging

unleash your conviction

You are about to become more bingable than Netflix!

JOIN NOW + access a Bonus $6K mastermind with juliet for free

JOIN NOW + access a Bonus $6K mastermind with juliet for free

Module 06

master money energetics

redefine your money flow

This is no basic mindset work. This is a quantum upgrade to your entire life!

Module 07

soul team: hire, lead, build

extend your power 

Building and leading a soul-tribe team is a skill. You can become the best.

Module 08

ads + organic growth

marketing mastery

When you're ready to go from WTF am I doing to being the marketing BOSS

Module 09

profitable live events + retreats

business IRL

Learn how to launch + run epic events that sell out every offer!

Module 10

mastering time

become truly limitless

Time comes from you. It is yours to create with. This is the ultimate freedom

JOIN NOW + access a bonus $6K mastermind with juliet for free

Module 11

leading the revolution

open to the realms beyond success

Your foundations are a well-oiled machine + it's time to EXPAND

Module 12

8-figure moves

embody your limitless identity 

When you started you thought $1M was the goal - now we BLOW IT UP!

You join for the results + the revenue,

You stay for the sisterhood

everything you want + so much more!

Our curriculum is in constant evolution, just like us. We're constantly updating, adding new classes, trainings and support to build your best year ever. 

JOIN NOW and get access to a bonus $6K mastermind with juliet 

JOIN NOW and get access to a bonus $6K mastermind with juliet 

jeanine becker, ceo becker enterprises

I have never felt so held and supported by a coach as I do with Juliet!

“I made $100K in 100 days! While I was healing from a car accident, taking care of a family member with chronic illness and consciously parenting my daughter as a single mama.”

Sarah noor gray, wealth coach + herbalist

Working with Juliet feels like stepping into other realms, perfect for someone who values plant connection. The breakthroughs come from accessing these realms, working in the liminal, and staying true to oneself. Juliet's tools help bring the future into the present, pushing you beyond limitations and using resistance as the path to growth.

i created $30K Months!

brenda king, phd - intuition coach

Her approach creates a magical energy for achieving goals. Juliet's coaching helped me deepen into my desires and true self.

i shifted my focus inward and manifested sales effortlessly!

Monthly LIVE Community Energy Upgrade Ceremony with Juliet ($20K value)

Bi-weekly LIVE Q+A strategy and implementation calls with Juliet ($45K value)

Your year of 7-figure mentorship looks like..

Guest experts with deep dives into ads, socials, speaking, publishing + more! ($30K value)

The Skills Vault - hundreds of hours of training in scaling, manifestation + leadership ($25K value)

THE most LIT community of self-led, soulful disruptors on the planet! (Priceless)

A FREE ticket to our in-person Sedona Catharsis Event! ($2K value)

join now

The entire Outlaw Method Curriculum on our private app ($30K value)

the thunderbolt path

$2,500 per month

The POWER path.
Where the radicals and high-level wizards are

apply to be considered

the path of awakening

$1,111 per month

join NOW


join NOW

choose your speed + customize your jounrney


  • 2X month live Q+A  
  • The ENTIRE Skills Vault
  • The full 12-month scaling curriculum
  • A completely customized approach to strategy + support in implementation
  • World-class Community
  • Monthly Energy Upgrades
  • Guest Expert Sessions
  • FREE ticket to Annual Sedona event

PLUS!! get ACCESS TO A HIGH TOUCH, 5 WEEK $6K MASTERMIND with juliet for free!

apply NOW


 Get everything at the Bodhi level PLUS..

  • Quarterly Mastermind Immersions
  • 3 Hotseat Coaching Sessions
  • Personalized feedback on copy, strategy and basically anything!
  • Exclusive High-level Trainings 
  • Weekly Office Hours in Telegram

Shaktas can generate 12 months of revenue within the first MONTH!

EVERYTHING included in the Bodhi AND Vajra PLUS..

  • AN ENTIRE YEAR of 1:1 Private Coaching with Juliet in Telegram.
  • Unlimited feedback on every aspect of your business. Address challenges and implement ideas in real-time, no waiting.
  • AND get a FREE ticket to one of our bespoke retreats! 

questions? i got you boo. i'm just a click away!
reach me on ig messenger here

Vajra students can see a 2-3X of their revenue in 60 days

Bodhis opt for a steady pace, seeing steady gains from month one 

juliet trnka

Coyote shaman, mother,
poet, self-made millionaire

Juliet Trnka, the force behind Direct Knowing, has journeyed from the chaos of launching a brick-and-mortar company, to selling it and building a multi 7-Figure global movement of wealth outlaws.

Familiar with the growth-stage shift from hustle and lack of an aligned roadmap to scaling with savvy and joy, her work not only matches your business to your genius, but helps you to build simple, proven systems that have you breathing a sigh of relief, with more space than your imagination can currently hold.

She joyfully creates every role in her life, as a mother, wife, Coyote Shaman, published poet + author, Forbes Business Council Member and mentor to women who want high-converting, low-pressure 7 and 8-Figure businesses.

She is the embodiment of the rewards of embracing both the power of consciousness and the joyful determination to create tangible results

meet your outlaw guide

JOIN NOW + access a bonus $6K mastermind with juliet for free

JOIN NOW + access a bonus $6K mastermind with juliet for free


juliet x

start soaring to your next level



IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Direct Knowing cannot and does not give any guarantees on results or earnings with our information, courses, programs, masterminds, coaching, plans, tools or strategies.  
You recognize and agree that nobody and nothing part of the Direct Knowing brand has made any implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations, or guarantees whatsoever to you about future earnings, or that you will earn any money, with respect to your purchase of Direct Knowing programs, courses, trainings, masterclasses or coaching and that we have not authorized any such implication, promise or representation by others. There are no guarantees of results or future earnings. There are no refunds. All sales are final. 
We may reference our own sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of our previous or existing purchasers. Please understand that we are not guaranteeing your success, and that the results we reference are not typical or average. We are displaying these results for example purposes only. Individual earnings and results will vary, and depend on many factors, including your background, business experience, motivation and work ethic.
There are no refunds. If you are purchasing The Seven and for any reason you decide to leave before the full amount is paid off, you will be responsible for paying the difference of the full price of each program that has taken place since you first registered. If payments are late, you will be removed from any current program until payments are back in good standing.
For all programs and masterminds, if you are paying through a payment plan, you are responsible for completing each payment regardless if you leave the program or do not complete it in the time-frame provided. There are no refunds.

the 365

Psst - want to access the secret energetics + strategies that have scaled Direct Knowing to $200K months by breaking every industry 'rule'? 

You're ready for THE 365: daily coaching for an entire YEAR, for FREE! A private podcast for the disruptors looking to expand to 7 figures on their own terms.

Subscribe and get instant access to BTS of a $4M shamanic coaching business. Learn to make $$ with my signature OUTLAW METHOD that create sales every day, even when I'm drinking out of a coconut and singing songs to crows.

So, are you in?


start listening now