Are you ready for your 7-figure year while having the most fun you've ever had?
I'm ready to 10X
Learn the secrets of unconventional, next-level strategy to harmonize your structure/plan/logic and flow/spontaneity/creativity for fast, regenerative growth
Craft an addictive message that makes content easy to create the fly, moves your ideal client to action, and puts you in a category of ONE by leveraging intimacy, conviction and results
With our industry defying Submissive Sales approach, ideal clients will love-stalk you and enroll themselves - all while you get paid more for the same amount of effort.
Imagine scaling your genius by ONLY doing what you love, knowing exactly where to put your attention and energy and having a nervous system that feels totally grounded, open and like an absolute YES to more.
I'm so ready
..and it's irritating AF when you see people with half the experience, heart + integrity earn 10X what you are with half the effort
You're following tactics you see online, or that the 'experts' you hired told you to do - but they're not working
You're the BEST at what you do but you feel like the best kept secret - you're spending way too much time trying to 'find' clients
IRL you are unignorable, but online you're totally invisible. You pour your soul into your content but it's not leading to sales
I know why.
Your work does so many things. You struggle to effectively and clearly anchor in your brand and your message - and the cookie-cutter approaches are not working.
As a visionary coach or transformational service provider, you work the magic every damn day with incredible clients every day.
The truth is, you're evolutionary and your work is second to none. You've built your business by serving in your genius
nija-level-mastery of your craft. You know it's time to scale but all the sudden you're supposed to be 'relatable' in order to sell? Or use scripts that feel completely fake and empty? Or use posting gimmicks that feel manipulative?
Worse still - you’re seeing other businesses smash it and scale effortlessly leaving you wondering what you're doing wrong and if it's even possible to be absolutely authentic and also succeed at a higher level.
The answer isn't doing more or conforming (thank Goddess)
It's unleashing a brand identity so unapologetic and recognizable that it puts you in a category of ONE, with sales strategy that works WITH you and your preferences, rather than against them
i need this NOW
Step out of the time-for-money paradigm fo-ev-ah without fear, guilt or shame - because your clients are slaying their goals too
You're not just creating 'content' - you're building a movement and every thing you put out is a masterpiece that creates 5-figure days
You're as interesting online as you actually are! And your ideal client can't get enough
Have the space - in time, energy + money - to stretch even wider into funding your dreams - trips around the world, college for your kids, and contributing meaningfully to causes that move you
Make $10K in sales with one email before the landing page is even done
Scale to 6-figure months while working less - with more precision, more artistry and more joy than you thought possible
I tripled my corporate revenue in 45 days!
I had left my corporate job to work on my own terms - but I was coaching in formulaic programs filled with rules and copy-paste approaches. I felt like I was right back in corporate! Working with Juliet gave me the true freedom I knew was possible.
You're providing a ton of value, thinking that giving more will get you more clients
You get stuck when you try to articulate what you do
You've tried to follow all the strategies before and when they don't work it's challenging to not just give up
When said strategies don't work, you often default to thinking your prices are too high and slash your rates
You've invested in team before but they completely did not get you. You're tired of following dead ends
Deep down, you're scared of being seen as frivolous, superficial and foolish for thinking your work could have global reach
The revolutionary in you thinks, “If I to sell like them…there’s no point.”
I'll teach you how to shift out of endless promo cycles, compound recurring revenue so you can play while your low-pressure, high-conversion business model, brand assets and streamlined automation do the work for you.
The real problem is you're still using a paint-by-numbers approach, boxing yourself in and trying to be 'relatable'.
I'll show you how to connect to the BIG VISION that brings coherence to every aspect of your work and magnetizes self-led clients
It IS possible to create an offer flow, from low-ticket to your highest-ticket VIP, that's designed in a way that it is INEVITABLE that your ideal client will be 100% clear they want to take the next step.
When you design with coherence, emphasizing real relationship and real results, even your highest ticket offers will sell themselves!
You have to know how to sell to one person before you can sell to 1000 people. That’s why the size of your audience doesn’t matter and why my clients see $30K - $200K months with no posting at all!
What matters is messaging and positioning that vibrate with your conviction and speak in a way your ideal client immediately hears.
multi 7-figure business
I grew Direct Knowing completely following my OWN deepest inner signal to the million dollar mark and beyond. I learned quickly that I'm just not here to do anything - including scaling - the way your 'supposed to'.
I refuse to conform and I refuse to compromise on MY values. I am an inconsistent, evolutionary change-a-holic with total time flow, a tiny rockstar team and vision for women's wealth that just won't quit me.
The business I've created came from full-strength outlaw strategy that was rooted in my values, preferences and rhythms. THIS kind of maverick high-level map is what's required. And now I want to teach you.
full body chills
With proven brand, messaging, communication and sales strategies, make $100K months your norm with high-level support and playful, precise guidance to help you go from feeling spun out to fully grounded as THE ONE who can lead a global, million-dollar movement (without being a slave to your business)
Rearcitect your product flow so your offers sell themselves - this is the same process that tripled my revenue in 2 months!
A powerful brand is an energetic extension of YOUR power. It is the womb of your movement and your wealth. Time for an upgrade!
When you really nail your messaging, you can sell $10K in a snap - in a chance meeting in an elevator, online or from the stage
If you're a high-achieving, Type B, shamanic, creative visionary, rigidity and conformity will sink you faster than you can say spreadsheet. I'll teach you how to design your biz so your evolution is an asset, not a bottleneck
We don't consent to the assumptions most people make - including the lone wolf. We are drenched in peer inspiration and wealthy in sisterhood
Submissive Sales mastery is what takes you out of hustle culture, over-functioning and wasting time when you could be leaning back and letting the sales roll in!
After the course you will be the love-jedi on all of these things
I created $30K months!
Working with Juliet feels like stepping into other realms, perfect for someone who values plant connection. The breakthroughs come from accessing these realms, working in the liminal, and staying true to oneself. Juliet's tools help bring the future into the present, pushing you beyond limitations and using resistance as the path to growth.
the energetic code for everything in your business. this is how you become unignorable, unrepeatable and unreasonably rich
Your brand should be your top salesperson, selling your offers for you. The key to a 7-figure brand is owning and leveraging the darkest parts of you. Let me show you how.
Values are the Vibrational Core: the unique approach we take to brand development maps your entire scaling plan on your VALUES. This sets the stage for you to become 'the most chill CEO I've met'
You DON'T Need and Elevator Pitch: Rather than trying to 'master' things you don't really need, and contort into boxes far too small, we approach brand as a process of FULL EXPRESSION
week 01
turn your words into wealth by leveraging taboo,
The attract/repel guide: code every expression with the unique language that opens the hearts and wallets of your ideal client ONLY and has everyone else self-select out
Learn to recognize different buyer types and know exactly what they need to hear from you to know you're THE ONE
Simple + Potent - when you know how to skillfully leverage conviction, own every inch of you and use language that makes you unforgettable, you earn a spot in your ideal client's heart - and become their go-to when it's time to hire
week 02
let me show you how to structure offers so that ideal clients are chasing you, not the other way around
The secret to effortless sales? It's not your posting schedule - it's about fostering real relationship and creating real results
This is teaching you to fish, not giving you a fish. Learn the skills to develop sales system that can create an outrageous return - again and again, even as your offers and desires evolve
Intelligent design - your offers can be designed in such a way that every client buys everything you offer, because client and offer are so aligned each step of the way. When you create for big outcomes over the lifetime of the client, not just this sale, everything changes. I'll show you how!
week 03
Submission is not becoming a doormat. A TRUE submissive is so connected to her own desire, that her invitation is irresistable
The true submissive is focused on what she's doing and is so obsessed and delighted with it that when she invites you, you say yes. Learn to become the ultimate invitation
Put 'authority marketing' in the trash! Leaders don't want to be told what to do. - we want to be listened to. Design for self-led, premium clients and no one else, you'll wake up to sales notifications instead of an alarm!
You are so done being the bottleneck in your sales! Partner with our Original Intelligence process to make it EASY for people to pay you without endless sales calls and hours in your DM's
week 04
the team, systems and tech that merge with your type-b leadership to become truly iconic
Know who you need to hire, when and in what order - according to the unique specifications of YOUR scaling map
Uplevel your leadership as you develop a dependable, repeatable 6-figure-month framework that allows for rapid growth without nervous-system collapse
Determine exactly what tech you'll need - and what to skip - to keep it fast, simple and high-level
week 05
Truly one-of-a-kind. We turn it around, flip it an reverse it, giving you the tools you need to create an epic, fits-like-glove 7-figure year!
we like simple, direct, immediate, personal + powerful. we removed the fluff but kept all the love because we are devoted to seeing you soar and shine!
These are indispensable guides that ensure you're supported as you develop and test each pillar of your 7-figure foundation
We limit the seats in the mastermind to 14 to make sure you have opportunity for hotseat coaching every week!
Our incredible Telegram space is where you can share your wins, hatch ideas and find new besties with a group of women unlike any on the planet!
every week you'll have Juliet's eyes and feedback on your work, with specific moves you can make to soar.
You'll implement in real time so we can link arms, tweak, refine and make sure you get the BEST outcomes!
You are a master of your craft and are now ready to scale as directed by your own inner guidance system
You require a space that assumes you DO know, and draws that knowing out of you
You are a woo AF , high-achieving, visionary
The idea of having a proven process to create a solid 7-figure map lights your soul ablaze
You are looking for someone to teach you your craft
You want to be told what to do and don't want to self-lead
You are turned off by manifestation and magic
You actually just want to keep hodge-podging your business and hope it works
let me show you how to create a fast cash infusion out of thin air
My advanced manifestation training for those who want to create a cash infusion whenever they want
5 days of instant access, high-level trainings
The same sales techniques that helped me create $285K ($600K lifetime) from a FAILED LAUNCH
Nearly 100 hours of on-demand trainings in manifestation, setting rates, shamanic journey, outlaw marketing, and more
My bespoke approach to optimnizing and integrating every level of your consciousness, so that you disappear obstacles rather than overcoming them
THIS! A flywheel is a system that is self-perpetuating
Learn + implement a truly a ground-breaking, paradigm-altering, mind-melt protocol that will change everything you've been doing with lead generation.
THE best investment you've made in your business
5 weeks of high-touch coaching
A full year of access to all course materials
Die-hard sisterhood
Everything you need to launch your 7-figure year
**split payment options available on the checkout page
Everything in the Silver option PLUS a personalized 60-minute session with Juliet
Sales systems built on delight, deep relating and profound transformation
Radical innovation - we emphasize creativity vs conformity
Consciousness inclusive - dance with cosmic mechanics alongside tech
We are ruthlessly intolerant of approaches that assume depletion is ok
Learn to lead teams the way you born to - feeling confidant and collaborative rather than hesitant
Badass, effective strategies that rest on magic, intuition, dream and ceremony
Experience the orgasmic delight of your systems WORKING
Structures are not designed to limit you - but to set you free
Let's make money and time work for YOU.... and to access the freedom, abundance and revolution that were the reason you started in the first place
My 60-minute profit-rhythms session are one of my favorite things I get to do! My weird genius is see easy places where you can make simple tweaks in your existing business to unleash a gush of joy and sales
We will zero in on the ONE aspect of your business that can truly rocket-launch your growth
These sessions are perfect when you know that shifting ONE aspect of your biz could help you get 10X the return from THE ONE!
She delivered on time and the photos look amazing. We doubled our sales in one month! I couldn't believe it. Have even more to say? OK but keep it short though!
She delivered on time and the photos look amazing. We doubled our sales in one month! I couldn't believe it. Have even more to say? OK but keep it short though!
She delivered on time and the photos look amazing. We doubled our sales in one month! I couldn't believe it. Have even more to say? OK but keep it short though!
The only reason people 'fail' is because
A) they give up
B) they compromise their vision
So why do women give up or compromise? Because they don't see the option they want and mistakenly believe it doesn't exist. We break ALL the rules to show you that you can have success on your radical, femme terms.
YES! We've got women making $50K months with an email list of 200 people. Sales are all about connection and impact - not masses of asses 😜
Because this work calls savvy women from all over the world, the days and times of the calls vary. You will always have the opportunity to submit questions and receive feedback on ALL your submissions!
There are no gaurantees and no refunds.
This work is designed only for women who are fully devoted to the work and to building a legacy. This space is designed to create rapid and lasting results, but every woman's journey and goals are different - thus her outcomes and timelines will be unique.
This mastermind is for visionary coaches and transformational service providers who are masters of their craft and have existing businesses that they are ready to take to the next level.
This space is NOT for product-based businesses, nor women who don't yet know what they want to offer as a service.
You get weekly access to our group call where Juliet is your coach. You will get time to ask her questions and she will have her eyes on your work every week. If you would like more dedicated 1:1 time, you can upgrade to THE ONE VIP.
You have access to the trainings and bonuses for an entire 12 months after signup so you can come back to the material again and again!
Coyote Shaman. Mother. Self-made Millionaire.
Juliet Trnka, the force behind Direct Knowing, has journeyed from the chaos of launching a brick-and-mortar company, to selling it and building a multi 7-Figure global movement of wealth outlaws.
Familiar with the growth-stage shift from hustle and lack of an aligned roadmap to scaling with savvy and joy, her work not only matches your business to your genius, but helps you to build simple, proven systems that have you breathing a sigh of relief, with more space than your imagination can currently hold.
She joyfully creates every role in her life, as a mother, wife, Coyote Shaman, published poet + author, Forbes Business Council Member and mentor to women who want high-converting, low-pressure 7 and 8-Figure businesses.
She is the embodiment of the rewards of embracing both the power of consciousness and the joyful determination to create tangible results
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: Direct Knowing cannot and does not give any guarantees on results or earnings with our information, courses, programs, masterminds, coaching, plans, tools or strategies.
You recognize and agree that nobody and nothing part of the Direct Knowing brand has made any implications, warranties, promises, suggestions, projections, representations, or guarantees whatsoever to you about future earnings, or that you will earn any money, with respect to your purchase of Direct Knowing programs, courses, trainings, masterclasses or coaching and that we have not authorized any such implication, promise or representation by others. There are no guarantees of results or future earnings. There are no refunds. All sales are final.
We may reference our own sales figures and in some cases the sales figures of our previous or existing purchasers. Please understand that we are not guaranteeing your success, and that the results we reference are not typical or average. We are displaying these results for example purposes only. Individual earnings and results will vary, and depend on many factors, including your background, business experience, motivation and work ethic.
There are no refunds. If you are purchasing The One and for any reason you decide to leave before the full amount is paid off, you will be responsible for paying the difference of the full price of each program that has taken place since you first registered. If payments are late, you will be removed from any current program until payments are back in good standing.
For all programs and masterminds, if you are paying through a payment plan, you are responsible for completing each payment regardless if you leave the program or do not complete it in the time-frame provided. There are no refunds.