I often say that my company, Direct Knowing, is run by a Coyote and an Owl with an advisory board of Ancestors. That’s actually not a joke! It is my lived experience.
Because we are rooted in coyote medicine, this business of shamanic manifestation is a constant experimentation. And this new incarnation is an expression of that. I can’t wait to see what possibilities and openings this new form creates.
I’ll still be writing you love notes, but the larger vision of Direct Knowing required that we make space for more than my musings.
For this week, I simply want to share a heart sutra, for you to take into your journal, your breath, your financial planning – anywhere you feel called to.
Confidence is the child of vulnerability. The fearlessness you seek is found in running towards vulnerability with the recklessness of full surrender.
Clarity is found by plunging into the unknown. The more safety you seek the more confused you’ll be.
I love you!
Juliet xx

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