Feminine Mastery


Conscious Business

Now is your time.

Anchored Root, Soft p*ssy, Receptive heart, Clear voice, Open channel

Claim your seat at the roundtable of the most potent magic-mind on the planet for embodied femme leaders.

Receive world-class coaching directly with Juliet Trnka, founder of shamanic coaching and multidimensional business cohort, Direct Knowing. THIS is the inner circle, all-access space for women who have both claws and wings. This is the space for conscious leaders who want to ground exquisitely into their own pleasure, and simultaneously soar in the physical world.

Read all the way through to activate the vision in you, of what your year could look like of growing unreasonable wealth as a by-product of your full expression as a woman, immersing yourself in EVOLUTION for a full Wheel of the Year.

What would your life look like, one year from today, if you went ALL IN and fully committed to anchoring into your own receptive channels of wealth, pleasure, power and unwavering expression?

No more dabbling, no more waiting until your schedule clears up, no more start and stop…

What would happen if you made a non-negotiable choice to prioritize your unedited dreams?

..the real deal? Burning the bridges that take you back to the normative and just ‘ok’? What would be possible if you occupied your space in a circle of living legends where you CAN’T become invisible, hide inside excuses or allow someone else’s paradigm to control your narrative…with my eyes hands and heart on your offers, your content, your strategy, your BEING? This work is anchored in the reality that your truth is always the safest space. It is the safest thing to say, to act out, to be.

What kind of relaxation would be possible in dedicating fully to a path of ever-evolving community, creation and netowrk designed specifically to uplevel your leadership, money, pleasure and business, as a side-effect of you telling the truth in every space you move through?

With faith, with receivership, with unapologetic magnetism? With an advanced consciousness coach who has created a thousand success stories - both hers and her clients - in your medicine bag so you can become her most successful client to date? Instant access to a nourishing community of leaders who all understand that strategy is secondary to embodied authenticity? Customized solutions for YOU dreams, goals and inner architecture?

How might your life change if you were recognized, held, seen, supported and celebrated every step of the way by a mentor whose quality of attention is unparalleled and who will challenge you to embody YOUR path of success?

To abandon what feels practical and ‘safe’ and stretched you to go way bigger than you could have imagined?

Erin reflects that she was able to redefine leadership from a path of struggle to a path of allowing..

Before working with Juliet I felt absolutely overstretched. I love my work, my family and my life but I didn’t have adequate space to feel, to connect with myself, to fully be the badass that I am! Even as I felt joy in my work, I felt a massive weight of responsibility coupled with scarcity of time and energy. Juliet put me back in touch with my radical truth and championed me in taking the risk to live it even more than I was. Leadership has been redefined for me, and everything has changed.


 The ‘work’ of EVOLUTION (actually more like play) was birthed through me for women who are here to create a legacy of feminine power. They want massive wealth coupled with a life where they feel embodied in their soul’s purpose. They want to flow massive wealth by answering their soul’s call while not sacrificing time, family or freedom. 

This space exists for the radicals, the trailblazers, the ones who have never quite fit the mold. This is for the unicorns and the Jedi - the ones who are magic AF and also meant to serve and guide in high-level. They are massive action-takers who sell with pleasure and know that creating, multiplying and holding wealth require the amplification of their unique medicine.

If you are done with cookie-cutter strategies and mentors who are less-than-dedicated to your success..

..your eyes roll when you think of the bro marketing, the poking of pain points, the slow, complex and laborious funnels that sever you from your body and your magic, and the coaches who insist you have to niche down your message and hustle your way to the top..

If multiple 5 and 6 figure months are a must, if high-profit margins with a lean, soul-family team and a personalized, effective and easeful strategy that mobilizes cash while fostering your greatest creativity and deepest pleasure feels like a f*uck yes for you..

If the idea of trying to ‘explain’ what you do, focusing only on ONE thing, one topic, getting your messaging ‘just right’ and contorting into a one-size-fits-all formula makes you want to throw up in your mouth a little…but building a network of clients so dreamy and aligned you don’t even need a sales page to sell your work because you are so expansive and dynamic gets the happy butterflies to take flight in your belly…

I promise, there is another way.

Even if you believe the success you’ve already created came from a lot of ‘hard work’, your next level of success can come from more freedom, play and imagination than you thought possible.

No, you don’t need to have hyper-logical processes that undercut your intuition (pssst Enlightened Selfishness will help with that)

No, it doesn’t matter if you can’t quite describe what you do (psst our LAIR feminine strategy war-room sessions will help you master your expression as a non-conformist)

No, it doesn’t matter if you do healing work, spiritual work or even if you’re just here to be a channel - you don’t have to coach around business to flow massive amounts of money and impact! (pssst To Be Abundant will help you uncover and realize the millions hiding right in oyur daily life!)

No you don’t have to be calm and organized, be single or childless to have massive and easeful success (psst I serve SO many mothers who secretly believe they are being held back by their devotion to mothering, and then feel shame for wanting more freedom. I’ve created a $4M business as a single mom, a partnered mom and here to tell you, your circumstances sre precisely calibrated to liberate you, not confine you!)

No, having a massive cash influx doesn’t need to take a long time and require hundreds of hours on your screen (psst Cash Pop will support you in learning how to mobilize whatever amount of moy you want, whenever you want!)
No, you don’t need to build a massive social media following. Please hear me on this! A handful of deep, high-quality clients can create your first million. (pssst our bespoke Shamanic Manifestation practices will help you to soar without one post)

No, you don’t need to keep ‘fixing yourself’ in order to be worthy of more. The truth? Lots of horrible people have money. Lots of conscious people have money. We don’t waste time playing the ‘when I’m perfect’ game. We know you can have a life you roll on the floor niggling over, just as you are now. (psst our incredible somatic work allows to instantly dissolve not-self patterning and integrate waves of worth, belonging and dignity)

No, it doesn’t matter if you are ‘high-vibe’ all the time. Every emotion is the perfect place from which to create. We want MORE expression, not less! 

No, it doesn’t matter if you hate sales or feel like you’re just bad at it. (psst we have literally over 30 hours of conscious sales training, based on connection and truth, NOT manipulation)

No, you don’t need a huge team, months of planning or to make your whole life about your business to hit your first 7 Figures. You can manifest a world-class business and life by honoring what excites you, and following it every day.

“In the three months since joining this circle, I’ve had my three highest revenue months ever, in the multiple 5 figures and growing. I’ve come to realize that my financial growth is an expression of my spiritual growth, not something seperate from it. What I love about working with Juliet is that there is no hierarchy in her space. We are all peers, sharing, supporting and uplifting each other. She doesn’t feel like she’s ‘better’ than me. We are truly partners.”

Melanie Madhuri Phillips 

I’m giving you EVERYTHING for an entire year, with bi-weekly coaching for a year!

At a crazy and wildly abundant price point

Inside Evolution you receive:

At least two live Q+A coaching opportunities each month with Juliet ($30K in value)

Quarterly high-Touch masterminds to expand your energy and accelerate your results ($60K in value)

8 hybrid courses of deep content supported with live coaching ($50K in value)

8 pre-recorded masterclasses for you to watch instantly! ($15K in value)

PLUS Bonuses!

A year-long BEYOND membership is included ($18K in value)

LAIR - a monthly war-room of live coaching where we divine the most easeful, potent and bespoke strategies to deliver your dreams like an Amazon order ($30K in value)

Get instant access to these programs when you sign up

More and more programs will be added throughout the year as we evolve them…..


Accessing Wealth by Aligning With Dharma


Crafting, Pricing and Selling as Who Your Really Are

The Amazons:

Initiating a Quantum Leadership Leap

Cash Pop:

The art of manifesting large sums of cash, whenever you want


New-Paradigm Sales for High-Level Offers

The $50k Coven

Harnessing Consciousness to Gain All the Clarity You’ll ever Need

7 Journeys

Liberation Through Shamanic Manifestation 

Sacred Outlaw

30 Days of Advanced Manifestation Through Breaking All the Rules 

AND when you pay in full...

PIF Bonus #1: Private 1:1 Coaching call with Juliet

PIF Bonus #2: Free ticket to one of our LIVE retreats in Sedona or Mexico

PIF Bonus #3: Private 1:1 Dreamwork Session with Juliet

$207K in value for the Evolution Family, at a Fraction of the Price

  • At least two live Q+A coaching opportunities each month with Juliet ($30K in value)
  • Quarterly high-Touch masterminds to expand your energy and accelerate your results - at least four in the year ($60K in value)
  • 8 hybrid courses of deep content supported with live coaching ($50K in value)
  • 8 pre-recorded masterclasses ($15K in value)
  • A year-long BEYOND membership is included ($18K in value)
  • LAIR - a monthly war-room of live coaching where we divine the most easeful, potent and bespoke strategies to deliver your dreams like an Amazon order ($30K in value)
  • The Evolution community (Truly priceless!)

Apply to be Considered

become an evolutionary!!!


$207K in value for the Evolution Family, at a Fraction of the Price

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Juliet Trnka -

Founder of Direct Knowing

Coyote Shaman, Self-Made Millionaire 

Juliet is an intuitive leader and guide dedicated to the actualization journey of powerful women inside Direct Knowing. Attuned to working with consciousness-oriented leaders, Juliet invites ambitious women to defy conventional norms and create with the mystery of the unconditioned self. Having manifested a 4 million dollar company, working with the global management teams of multinationals, Hollywood actresses and producers, US political officials, and high-level entrepreneurs, she knows how to make fruitful the intersection between magic and worldly success. As a Forbes Business Council member, best-selling author, and sought-after thought leader, she stands for what is possible when we prioritize our creative authority.

Direct Knowing transcends the boundaries of traditional coaching into an experiential process where greater success blooms from immersing yourself fully in the present moment. Birthed from Juliet's decades of entrepreneurial experience and grown through a global community of futurist healers, founders and coaches, Direct Knowing is a living vessel of success, redefined. It magnetizes those who seek an advanced experience of the intersection of luxury, consciousness and making change through inspiration.

I teach the magic of being and becoming, the wheel of manifestation and the mastery of money

Direct Knowing transcends the boundaries of traditional coaching into an experiential process where greater success blooms from immersing yourself fully in the present moment. Birthed from Juliet's decades of entrepreneurial experience and grown through a global community of futurist healers, founders and coaches, Direct Knowing is a living vessel of success, redefined. It magnetizes those who seek an advanced experience of the intersection of luxury, consciousness and making change through inspiration.

Now is your time

Join now