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The Amazons

Initiating a Quantum Leadership Leap

There are no problems, only portals of dying to oneself and giving birth to oneself over and over into greater love, truth, and abundance. In this experience, we learn to power and direct the energy of The Amazon Archetype, the badass, the woman who wields skill, on her own terms, in the outer world.

I know it’s not a popular notion, but the truth is there are no obstacles. Blocks do not exist. The only thing that matters in creating masterfully is the degree of skill you possess in keeping your center while negotiating a new reality with the other players involved within any given moment. Most women were never taught how to negotiate. They confuse powerful negotiation with manipulation. They feel more comfortable in the space of conformity and ‘going with the flow’. In The Amazons, we say NO to indulging this kind of spiritual bypass and learn the skills of creating the world as we would love it by changing the circumstances in which we find ourselves.

In this experience, we learn to power and direct the energy of The Amazon Archetype, the badass, the woman who wields skill, on her own terms, in the outer world.

6 potent modules of spiritual badassery, leadership and forged-in-fire magic



6 potent modules of spiritual badassery, leadership and forged-in-fire magic.

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