Living Legend

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Offering from Essence

Crafting, Pricing and Selling as Who Your Really Are

Here we prioritize what you love, what is real and true for you. We recognize that what you may have thought was resistance in the past was your unfailing wisdom, seeking to express itself.  We go through a deeply nourishing and exciting process of courting our ideal offer, price and invitation from within. From there we make change our ally and asset rather than a foe to be feared. I am so excited to create with you!

This 7-module circle is all about reversing the creation process that most female entrepreneurs are conditioned into, when they approach the creation and pricing of their offers.



This 7-module circle is all about reversing the creation process that most female entrepreneurs are conditioned into, when they approach the creation and pricing of their offers.

I'm all in!


Get Offering from Essence PLUS and get 2 live Q&A calls, 8 masterclasses, 8 courses, Quarterly masterminds AND a year long Beyond membership...

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Inside the Evolution Mastermind

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