Living Legend

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The $50k Coven

Harnessing Consciousness to Gain All the Clarity You’ll Ever Need

Our work rests in the recognition that to have a different life, requires a different identity. Who you are is much more fluid than you recognize. We learn to shift our brain-wave states at will, instantly creating openings where before there were closures, space where there was pressure and opportunity where there previously seemed to be no way forward.

Where else will you receive training and guidance in manifesting money through shifting your brainwave state? Shamanic journey, ritual and practical application found nowhere else. In service to manifesting $50K months and so much more

In these 13 modules, we walk through some of the most radical shamanic teachings I’ve ever channeled. 



In these 13 modules, we walk through some of the most radical shamanic teachings I’ve ever channeled.  Shamanic journey, ritual and practical application found nowhere else.

I'm all in!


Get The $50k Coven PLUS and get 2 live Q&A calls, 8 masterclasses, 8 courses, Quarterly masterminds AND a year long Beyond membership...

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