Living Legend

Join our free webinar, Living Legend, and learn the mechanics of evolving to 7 figures as a high-level coach.

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Accessing Wealth by Aligning With Dharma

It is the perfect tool any time you are preparing to make a big move, feel a need to become more intimate and calibrated to YOUR inner compass and to live and create wealth in a more radical, impactful and authentic way.

The tendency to conform is rampant. What our hearts really desire is to live as the fully expressed weird genius that we actually are. Destined helps you to awaken the latent power, desire and creativity within you so that as you build structure + strategy in your business and life, it’s genuine coming from your truth, rather than just being a copy of what you see happening ‘out there.’

This Course is designed to flow over a 7 day rhythm, with day seven being a day of rest and integration. As always, choose what is truly best for you. Each day you’ll receive guidance in one activity. And at the completion of the week you’ll have an action list to complete, to support you in leaving no loose threads. I can’t wait to begin!

Destined is a container specifically designed to bring your consciousness into alignment with your destiny.



Each day you’ll receive guidance in one activity. And at the completion of the week you’ll have an action list to complete, to support you in leaving no loose threads

I'm all in!


Get Destined PLUS and get 2 live Q&A calls, 8 masterclasses, 8 courses, Quarterly masterminds AND a year long Beyond membership...

Take me to evolution

Inside the Evolution Mastermind

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