Living Legend

Join our free webinar, Living Legend, and learn the mechanics of evolving to 7 figures as a high-level coach.

Free exclusive training

30 Days of Advanced Manifestation Through Breaking All the Rules 

Join us now

In 2016, Coyote Medicine became inextricably woven into my life and being. This heretical crazy-wisdom has been my partner ever since. This sweet lawbreaker has made the way clear for those who have the courage to follow it.

In the past 6 years I’ve not only manifested a multimillion-dollar coaching business, I’ve also guided the most dynamic leaders and creatives on the planet in manifesting their own impossible visions. 

Now, I’m taking you behind the scenes. Now, we walk this path together. I’m just not satisfied to tell you about it or teach you the steps. I want you to experience, firsthand, how easy it can be to create easeful wealth, days filled with love and a life rooted in adventure - all from breaking the rules.

Exclusive experiential coaching program + advanced coyote manifestation training

Direct Knowing transcends the boundaries of traditional coaching into an experiential process where greater success blooms from immersing yourself fully in the present moment. Birthed from Juliet's decades of entrepreneurial experience and grown through a global community of futurist healers, founders and coaches, Direct Knowing is a living vessel of success, redefined. It magnetizes those who seek an advanced experience of the intersection of luxury, consciousness and making change through inspiration.

You are remembered for the rules you break

Link arms with me as I work with ritual rule-breaking to expand to 8 Figures in 2024

Introducing our first ever...

Exclusive experiential coaching program and advanced coyote manifestation training

Join us now

What You'll Learn:

The exact embodied templates I work with that will take us to 8 Figures this year

Calibrating your physical and energetic systems to your future rather than your past

Dissolving the ‘good girl’ persona once and for all so you can live as the mad saint you came here to be

How to shift out of time and screen slavery and create wealth in total flow

How to flow more money through your life by leveraging all the qualities you are currently ‘wronging’ in yourself

Literal training in becoming a rule-breaking Jedi so that you never feel stuck or have anything to ‘figure out’ again

How breaking the rules created my marriage (with my ex-husband!), my luxury home in Sedona, incredible friendships, incredible clients, and a life filled with magic and millions

Restructuring of identity versus endless, exhausting and ineffective mindset work

How focusing on ritual rules-breaking creates faster revenue shifts than brand positioning, employing yet another funnel or outsourcing your power onto a coach or a system 

Become your own trusted reference point for your decisions, full stop

BTS of how we break rules as a team and why being a wife and a mom accelerates my business growth

How we wield rule-breaking as a path of ensuring authenticity and resilience as we prepare for a more massive influx of cash than we’ve ever experienced

How to get out of your head and into adventure 

How to access alternatives to ‘scaling’ as you expand your expression and wealth

Releasing habits of constantly ‘working on yourself’ and endless personal processing so you can play and dance as the cherished part of the continuum that you are

Devote the next 30 days to discovering more ease, money, recognition and delight than you ever thought possible

You can do all of this while...

..Having more space on your calendar and living in total time freedom

..Being present for your kids, your partner, Source and yourself

..Living fully expressed in your business and life

..prioritizing your creativity + your native rhythms

..deepening into the embodiment of your values more than ever before


Boring routines and so much busy work that you lose connection to the spark of aliveness

Feeling shame and stress because your work is competing with family time, self-relationship and devotional practice

Spending all day on zoom, feeling like a low-level employee in your business rather than a boss

The freedom we seek cannot be found in funnels, endless psychological processing or sitting through another zoom training

Join this experiential manifestation journey as we create our most valuable, effective and magical offering to date!

I'm in!!!

Here’s what you’ll get

30 consecutive days of transmissions and teachings from Juliet covering everything from nuts-and-bolts business practices to multidimensional medicine songs in actualizing your impossible goal

High-level, customized strategy rooted in Being, that can finally support you in having highly qualified clients lined up to work with you

Training in ritual rule-breaking to accelerate growth, amplify joy and create the real freedom you’ve been seeking to live

Evolution 2.0 members only: 2 live Q+A sessions where we get hands-on with actualizing your vision now. 

Usually $6,666 but you can join us for FREE when you take the leap into EVOLUTION. 

[ See details below ]

Your ticket to Sacred Outlaw


Claim my seat for Sacred Outlaw

I'm all in!


FREE as a part of Evolution, our year-long advanced manifestation and coaching space - just $1,800 per month!


*All sales are final. No refunds associated with this purchase*