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Cash Pop

The art of manifesting large sums of cash, whenever you want

The ability to move large amounts of money into your bank account at lightning speed, whenever you want, in full magic. Cash pops are an essential skill for anyone who has a long-term vision for her business. Though they are all about fast and bold moves, the truth is, there will be moments in the natural, cyclical flow of life that you will need to mobilize money fast, in order to keep your longer timelines going. If your business is a vehicle for your dharma and not just something you’re treating like something you’ll give up on or get bored of in a year, the cash pop is an essential skill.

Cash pops are also about far more than money. They are one of the most potent forms of energy medicine. They dismantle not-self conditioning unlike anything else I’ve experienced. They dissolve all the ideas you have about all the ways you need to be different than you are now in order to receive greatly. You will find, in the cash pop, that you don’t need any more skill, any more advice, any more time. Everything you want is already here and you, exactly as you are, are perfectly calibrated to receive it. I cannot WAIT to share this medicine with you!

If I had to name a ‘signature move’ it would be this: the cash pop.



Learn The ability to move large amounts of money into your bank account at lightning speed

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