Living Legend

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What the near-loss of my daughter taught me about surrender

November 14, 2023

In today’s episode, I pull back the curtain on one of the most raw initiations I’ve ever gone through. I often say that building a magical AF, multi-million-dollar business was easy. And that’s true. Nearly losing my child and navigating a legal and medical system that shut me out as a parent – that qualified as hard. 

You’re about to learn:

  • How poetry was the only way I could process the unprecedented level of emotion and stripping away of my identity that happened at that time.
  • The true nature of ‘karma’ and how skillfully absolving it can bring incredible levels of meaning and success – even in the most profoundly painful moments of life
  • How my daughter’s experience ended the trance we had fallen into as a family and served as a catalyst for one of the biggest manifestations we’ve ever actualized

If you loved this episode, I encourage you to grab a copy of my new book, Being Medicine. It’s filled with life-shifting poetic transmissions, guided ritual to help you stay the course and deep trainings on the core practices that make your manifestations inevitable – even in the face of death. And remember to subscribe to our podcast so you never miss an episode!

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