Living Legend

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Unlock your unlimited potential and step into creating in orgasmic joy.

Enlightened Selfishness is the end of the conflict between women and their inner authority.

Enlightened Selfishness

There is nothing else like this space.

This is the immersive, experiential crucible that changes everything

You came here to live fully lit from within, ignited in your primordial capacity to enter harmonic rhythms of life. When you have the right tools and energetic calibration every door opens: your profitability, your pleasure, your energetic overflow!

Together, we go deep into...

Smiling at Insecurity

We call it ‘spiritual duct tape’ because it is useful for every task! (hint: notice it binds things together rather than ripping them apart).

The one thing that ends anxiety, stress, striving, self-sabotage and self-doubt.

Trauma is simply incomplete initiation. When it is freed from artificial structure and methodology applied from the outside, it transmutes into your greatness super-power.

How ‘healing’ your trauma can actually stagnate your liberation.

Really consider this one - what’s that cringe-worthy thing about you? What if it just needs a new role?

Why the thing you feel is your worst attribute is your greatest gift.


FOUR Experiences

Quantum Community

Feb 24 at 11 am - 12:30 pm MST

Finding the frequency within you that delights in being loved for what you are and hated for what you’re not.

Learning to live like a Pirate.

It actually keeps your energy on lock-down like a plant that’s choking in a pot too small.

Why trying to ‘figure it out’ is a worse habit than double-dipping your crudites at a party. 

Instead allow your inherent, primordial programing to be nourished and unleashed.

How to stop trying to reprogram yourself.



Letting Love In

Feb 28 at 11 am - 12:30 pm MST

Shifting your center of gravity from working harder to achieve more, to calibrating to limitless receptivity

That allows you to feel for the pockets of unoccupied and shuttered realms within, that you may unravel them from within

Energetic microsurgery

Or making them your pets. Or putting a bonnet on them and having them recite poetry. You have options.

Slaying the demons of impostor syndrome, once and for all.



Enlightened Selfishness 

Mar 3 at 11 am - 12:30 pm MST

Like fire and brimstone level.

Why selfishness saves the world

That limits your profitability and proliferation into the unhinged path of worshiping and being worshiped.

Exiting the ‘earning’ mentality

In your decisions, the quality of generosity you bring to your moments, the clarity in your actions and the magnetism that is natural to you.

Why selfishness THE tool that will exponentiate the love

In the form of mind-set work, beating yourself up for not succeeding inside of the ‘signature systems’ of others, or failing to ‘fit in’ to the narrow options presented to you. And then choosing what you would love to do with all that freed-up energy.

How to end the microaggressions against yourself



Quantum Community

Finding the frequency within you that delights in being loved for what you are and hated for what you’re not.

Learning to live like a Pirate.

It actually keeps your energy on lock-down like a plant that’s choking in a pot too small.

Why trying to ‘figure it out’ is a worse habit than double-dipping your crudites at a party. 

Instead allow your inherent, primordial programing to be nourished and unleashed.

How to stop trying to reprogram yourself.


Letting Love In

Shifting your center of gravity from working harder to achieve more, to calibrating to limitless receptivity

That allows you to feel for the pockets of unoccupied and shuttered realms within, that you may unravel them from within

Energetic microsurgery

Or making them your pets. Or putting a bonnet on them and having them recite poetry. You have options.

Slaying the demons of impostor syndrome, once and for all.


Enlightened Selfishness 

Like fire and brimstone level.

Why selfishness saves the world

That limits your profitability and proliferation into the unhinged path of worshiping and being worshiped.

Exiting the ‘earning’ mentality

In your decisions, the quality of generosity you bring to your moments, the clarity in your actions and the magnetism that is natural to you.

Why selfishness THE tool that will exponentiate the love

In the form of mind-set work, beating yourself up for not succeeding inside of the ‘signature systems’ of others, or failing to ‘fit in’ to the narrow options presented to you. And then choosing what you would love to do with all that freed-up energy.

How to end the microaggressions against yourself


Here’s How this Temple of Spiritual Technology Works

Lastly, I must alert you that I have a very serious allergy to artificiality. It’s important that you know that we will do real, intense, sweaty creative work in this space (think ‘best sex ever’ more than ‘yay I got my to-do list done’)

I cannot show up to you with a script or a canned teaching. And I will never degrade our altar by corralling you for a 6 hour sales pitch. 

I am a stone-cold weirdo in that I know you don’t need convincing, cajoling, or pushing. I am so unhinged that I know if you experience a genuine and meaningful transformation within my space, you’ll know if you want to go deeper with me. I trust the transformation to do the work. 

This container is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced because it is rooted in Backwards Medicine. This is the Coyote Shaman Way. We essentially take the reality you’ve committed to and turn it inside out, backwards and upside down. 

This does two very important and fun things.

One, it allows us to redefine the rules you’ve been creating inside of. Rather than even seeing your life as a ‘blank canvas’ you realize the canvas is simply a piece of fabric held within a vastly larger environment that is humming with life and teeming with possibility. So much more happens when you don’t confine yourself to the canvas.

Two, we end the practice of conformity. I will NOT put you inside of a single ‘savior’ technique, a system or a box of any kind to try and save you from your pain. You don’t need to be saved. You need to be celebrated, exalted and affirmed - even in your most painful and wretched moments.


So yup, I’ll share some case studies because I know sometimes seeing how it happened for others can help to unearth and activate your own map of possibility.

And yeah, we’ll talk about ways to go deeper into the wildlands of my work and community, because I know many of you already know that it’s your destiny. 

But other than pages of passionately scribbled and nearly illegible notes detailing my downloads from Spirit, my curriculum is YOU. 

That’s more than 6 hours of dedicated space to hone the skills of being unedited and fully expressed.


Access Enlightened Selfishness Experiential Training Now!

You’ve got clients telling you that you’ve changed their life, are financially supported by your business, lead teams of people who believe in you, have done it differently and created results. You go above and beyond to actualize the goal.

You are a unique + successful creator, leading a business, a community, a world 

It just feels like something is missing. You know you’re sitting on a treasure-chest but it just won’t seem to open. You take all the action, do your self-care, invest in coaches and guides….but it still feels so. damn. hard. 

You have a feeling it’s supposed to be easier.

You know intellectually that you’ve got people who care, but you’re mostly focused on your output and production. You never knew that leading would feel so lonely. And every day the parts of you going unattended and unseen are nagging more loudly.

half the time you feel invisible. 

The fatigue of forcing is compounded by the fact that...

It’s not just that you feel the pressure of the struggle. It’s that you feel guilty for having it. You probably distance yourself using language like, “I have this block” or “I have this limiting mindset”. In fact you are relentlessly ‘working on your mindset and healing’ to try and climb out of the pit of limitation. But at the end of the day, it just seems like you should have this figured out by now. And you feel like a fraud for guiding others in empowerment as you feel the wear-and-tear of your continued struggle. It’s gotten a little better but….

Worse, deep down you worry it’s your fault that consistent flow escapes you.

Do they sound like this?

As an evolutionary leader, you came here to bring forth something new. The gestures of your ache and longing have a predictable tone. 

You might also experience these insidious thoughts, behaviors and sensations

I’m so tired of following up with everyone - my team, my spouse/partner, my friends. Why isn’t anyone else taking this as seriously as I am?

Another launch/pitch/outreach with zero response. I wanted time off to reorganize my closet anyway!

I know I said I was completely ‘off-grid’ during my family vacay, but the kids are swimming so I’ll just check my email “real quick”

Why am I not following the same guidance I give my clients? How can I justify even more growth efforts when I feel so foggy?

This is such an exciting project I just can’t walk away. I’m just going to skip my workouts this week. I’ll get back to it next week. Oh wait we have that event…well maybe the week after….

Honestly I’m so solutions focused and future focused I don’t even really know what my problem is. I just keep pushing forward and hoping the next achievement quiets down the constant feeling of grasping.

Shoot. I just agreed to have this deliverable ready for my client by tomorrow, but I’d really love to have until the end of the week. Why did that yes come out of my mouth before I even thought about it?

I have so much more than other people do! Such an awesome life! I probably just need to practice more gratitude…..

I can’t stop thinking about what it would look like to bring my whole, weird, mischievous self forward. To let all that sexiness, mischievousness and hunger be visible. What if I let myself actually be a BIG DEAL? I think I’m going to throw up in my mouth a little…

In fact now that I think of it, whenever I’m going to do something to please myself, I always say, “real quick”. I’m just going to change my clothes real quick. I’m just going to meditate real quick. I’m just going to eat some lunch real quick. Let’s have sex real quick. Why am I putting my life on fast-forward….

As an unconscious attempt to manage your energy/stay positive/contemplate the possibility that salvation lies at the bottom of a bag of chips...

There’s a call and response of longing singing in your bones.

It demands more pleasure, more flow, more magnetism.

And calibrating to the overflow of abundance, freedom and wild audacity that calls to you does not have to feel like climbing up a mountain while dragging a bag of boulders behind you.

And actually, all the ways you’re trying to be ‘accountable’ and ‘responsible’ are getting in your way.

So is trying to ‘figure it out’.

You don’t need more healing, training, technique, mindset work or ‘work’ of any kind.

Through the habits and perspectives of modernity, we have all been ushered into the trance of the brokenness paradigm. Our most primal, vital and wise expressions have been hijacked, masked, punished, reduced and intellectualized. Thousands of times you’ve had a wildly intelligent and natural response, only to be taught that it was dysfunction, a problem, a ‘belief’. It became something to be managed and ‘worked on’. 

Your most compelling contribution to life became suppressed and forgotten. 

Your natural gifts for effortless, orgasmic and ecstatic transformation were co opted into ‘working on you’. 

And so you tried again and again to have one foot in conforming while the other kept kicking its shoes off and running for the wild lands. 

The only path that is guaranteed is being fully fucking who you are.

In fact it doesn’t need to involve struggle, separation or self-sacrifice at all.

Enlightened Selfishness.

But, my sweet and powerful being, YOU are not broken.

The fact that struggle feels wrong does not mean abundance is off-limits for you. The exhaustion you feel doesn’t mean you’re not cut out for more nor that you haven’t earned it.

Hard work can not get you to where you want to go.

Struggle is a bus that literally drives in the opposite direction of your vision. 

That electric shock you just felt burn through your core? That’s a symptom of being presented with an uncomfortable and enticing truth.

All that is needed is this: 

When you stop creating past and future, you can have everything now. We explore how to stop projecting power, receiving, joy and having into the future. We end the practice of expecting the future in the form of ‘more time’ to bring what we desire. We remember that everything we want is already here, and peel the dust from our eyes in order to see it and claim it now.

1. Dust

The Four Core Frequencies of Enlightened Selfishness

Smile at insecurity. Be touched by God in every moment. When you stop splitting yourself into piles of ‘good girl’ and ‘bad’ girl you move beyond the confines of duality. Integration is your magic wand. Learn how to use it. Sin sala bim.

2. Beatific Vision 

Your life works when you feel like Amy Adams’ wardrobe in American Hustle. Low, low cut dress. Powerful and tender all at once. Learn transparency as the ultimate protection. Heighten your spidey senses to detect the bullshit of duty and strip it off to reveal the love-motivation that pulses underneath.

3. Confidence + Vulnerability

 We fear the unknown only because no one ever taught us how to wield the Mystery. For Mysticism to be meaningful and not merely fanciful, it requires that we meet the unknown with skill. You have an innate skillset for carving out reality from the unknown - enlightened selfishness unearths this gem of wisdom from within.

4. Enlightened Selfishness

Words of Praise

With juliet's guidance, I began to dream again.

"I began to interpret the medicine of nighttime dreams which evolved into creating my day dreams into reality.

In a matter of months, I began contemplating a private practice, then began working with a few clients and now I am celebrating 5 and 6 figure offerings working with entire organizations!

 I have never felt so loved, carried, supported and drowned, all at the same time. It’s like nothing I’ve ever experienced in my healing arts career."


Words of Praise

"I am getting known in my community and sharing my love for ceremony in a free flow way! "

"I am charging more & utilizing the resources I have created through our work to serve my community in the now moment. 

I have started new moon ceremonies in person in my home, as an offering to the Mother, I am committed to doing 13.  And I realized that this was my way of holding circles. 

Juliet's program has given me more attunement and connection to my strength, to my badass self, to being unapologetically fierce, open and wild! It gave me permission to fuck up, pick up the pieces and keep moving forward. 

Juliet has made a loving impact & will always be  in my heart!"

Irene Sanchez-Celis, Holistic Medicine Practitioner + Birth Doula

"leadership has been redefined to me."

"I'm proud of being a person who has stopped apologising for their power. I don't look at my power as hurting anyone anymore.

I am holding the torch of empowerment.

Leadership for me means utilizing my power to help others lift up their power."


Words of Praise

"It’s really happening!"

"My highest-investment offers paid in full.

Dream clients dropping from the sky.

Me owning who I am.

Wowzers it was a ride but I’m finally playing the game. And doing great.

And my calendar is booked solid!!”

Katie Kozlowski, Master Energy Coach + Spiritual Teacher

Modern culture ‘efficiency’ means sacrificing yourself to get something else. 

Trade Modern ‘Efficiency’ for Spiritual Efficiency

My specialty is spiritual efficiency. (Spiritual duct tape, remember?) In this space, we’re not going to add filler material, worksheets and to-do’s. I’m going to give you immediately implementable perspectives that you can test drive wherever you want the most leverage now. I won’t even ask you to stop binging netflix. Your netflix binging may just be the fulcrum of your greatest spiritual transformation.

We end the trance of separation by setting down the bloated bag of tricks/tips/hacks you’ve been carrying around and instead engage in collective remembering of your inner compass - the inherent, eternal navigational system that is already here. 

No fluff. Just flow.

Spiritual efficiency is the end of self-sacrifice...

...‘making it work’ and doing lots of filler activities to prove you’re keeping busy.

Nothing can stop me - I’m in!

Step into the River of Overflow

If you know what it’s like to have a magic wand that effortlessly evokes magnetism, pleasure, ease and love and you’re clear that magic-wand-level living must become the new normal, join us now.

It’s $777 for a 6 Hour fire-walk of creative orgasmic joy.

Access Is now available

Words of Praise

"I have hit a level of mastery & fulfilment."

"I am DEBT FREE! I have a 6 figure business, where I get to be visible and take the mask off.

I'm making conscious decisions that are correct for me. Clients pay on time with no issues, honoring who we are and what we do. They are dream clients raving about their experience of us. 

I now feel resolution and peace for me. My soul retrieval complete. I faced my fear of communicating with a family member. Rituals are being born/downloaded in me.

Juliet taught me how to make my own maps and create my own directions so that I can lead effectively with my own guiding light she turned on for me."

Alison villa Dias, Founder of Turn of Events Catering + The Empress Connection

Sign up today and get immediate access to 4, 90 minute training videos with corresponding journal guides and oracle cards.  This is over 6 hours of teaching with Juliet. 

What do i get access to with the Enlightened Selfishness Experiential Training?

Answering your questions

I am so glad you asked!  There is NOT a live element to this training!  However, you can always keep up with Juliet and all the places she is live via our weekly newsletter and events page here:

Is there live access to juliet in this program?

No!  There is no time limit how how long you have access to the content.  As a matter of fact we encourage you to go through it several times to truly glean from the fullness of it's benefits. 

Is my access to the training content limited

Nope. Commitment is a primary value in the Direct Knowing ecosystem. The value of committing to yourself alone creates 1,000 times the value of investment for this offer.

Do you offer refunds?

I love your curious mind. Email my team, and we'll get right back to you. 


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I'm all in!


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