Living Legend

Join our free webinar, Living Legend, and learn the mechanics of evolving to 7 figures as a high-level coach.

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 the done-for-you sales call structure that can 10X your cash flow

How it works:

The five questions you need to get answered to create a true yes, and how to ask them like the love-jedi you are 

Use the incredible, fillable templates to support you in your sales calls, making sure you activate your client’s awareness so they can arrive at the ‘this-is-a-no-brainer’ place of buying.

Use our treasure-tove of powerful questions (we created over 100 of them) to take the conversation deeper - so that your client is on fire with their values and clear about why they know NOW is the time to say yes.

Start making more money!

That’s it!

This packet is an incredible resource for heart-led entrepreneurs who want to grow theri revenue through better quality, rather than greater volume. Who knows, deep down, she’s leaving money on the table and is a huge yes to having the skills to create more money by greater presence, not more hustle.

A deep dive into the 5 questions a potential client must answer before they are truly empowered to make a high-level buying decision

Why sales scripts don’t work and actually keep money out

Why having a reliable structure is crucial and will close more high-level sales than simply ‘winging it’

A specific training on ending sales calls that go on and on - and how to create the conditions for a clear yes in record time 

How to utilize deepening questions to create high-level sales with absolute integrity - and without ‘convincing’

The map that allows you to stay grounded and present, without every wondering, “Where do we go from here?”

The essential structure of making the offer at the end of the call - this one thing can literally mean the difference between a monthly feast or revenue famine!

What's Included:



incredible resource for heart-led entrepreneurs who want to grow theri revenue through better quality, rather than greater volume.

I'm all in!


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