The business and leadership dojo for highly conscious entrepreneurs who want it all 

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your new era begins now

What if you could generate your entire annual revenue in 31 days?

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Money May

Money May

Currently Running:

Freedom. Intimacy. Abundance. Pleasure.

Beyond is not a course or another low-impact membership.

It is a living, breathing current of inspiration and empowerment

BEYOND: The Wealthy Woman Accelerator is a business and manifestation training ground for high-level coaches who know that greater success results from truly forging their own path and shedding all forms of conditioning.

You’ll have two calls each month with Juliet: 1 high-level, futurist business training and one shamanic energy alignment session. Additionally, every month you’ll have the opportunity to take center stage in Lead From Within. LFW is a unique opportunity for YOU to lead our growing community in learning and healing.

When you sign up, you gain immediate access to The Vault, the BEYOND.

Melanie reflects in the 3 months since she's joined our community, she's had her two highest revenue months ever.

“In the three months since joining this circle, I’ve had my two highest revenue months ever, in the multiple 5 figures and growing. I’ve come to realize that my business and financial growth are an expression of my spiritual growth, not something separate from it. What I love about working with Juliet is that there’s no hierarchy in her space. She lovingly holds me to the fire so that I may expand, grow and create a business based on what is aligned with my hearts deepest knowing and desire. I’m making quantum leaps and experiencing greater freedom than I ever have before.”

Melanie Madhuri Phillips

What's Included:

Live monthly Masterclass with Juliet to deep dive into conversations

Live monthly guided shamanic energy activation session with Juliet

Quarterly opportunity to lead our community as a Guest Expert 

Opportunity to learn from, and guide, every single one of the women in our community; a truly exponential design

12 months of access to our ever-growing vault of masterclasses on manifestation, wealth consciousness, and quantum business

3, exclusive pre-recorded Sales Trainings not offered anywhere else, designed to sell out every program you offer

Exclusive access to Consciousness Jailbreak, a bespoke training in manifestation to accelerate results in every area of your life

A revolving suite of four, in-depth, multiple-module trainings

A next-level community for skill-share, collaboration, learning, and support


What's Included:

Live monthly Masterclass with Juliet to deep dive into conversations

Live monthly guided shamanic energy activation session with Juliet

Monthly opportunity to lead our community as a Guest Expert and share your gifts

Opportunity to learn from, and guide, every single one of the women in our community; a truly exponential design

12 months of access to our ever-growing vault of masterclasses on manifestation, wealth consciousness, and quantum business

3, exclusive pre-recorded Sales Trainings not offered anywhere else, designed to sell out every program you offer

Exclusive access to Consciousness Jailbreak, a bespoke training in manifestation to accelerate results in every area of your life

A revolving suite of four, in-depth, multiple-module trainings

A next-level community for skill-share, collaboration, learning, and support


Here are just some of the results we can create together

You are ready to join our cohort of living legends if..

Consistent $100K months are in your plan in the next 12 months

You’ve never quite fit the mold, and you are completely done apologizing for it - in fact you want to be generously compensated for it

You’ve got a business, but the effort to continue to create growth feels all-consuming. You started this business for freedom and impact but it’s feeling more like a 9-5

You’ve been watching, learning, and picking things up by studying others from a distance. Now you are a yes to receiving MORE. You don’t want to keep piecing it together yourself. You want to be in the arena with spiritual giants.

Oh yeah, and...

You don’t want to keep investing all your profits into program after program. You want to go all in for 12 months on a space designed for spiritual and profit efficiency where you can swiftly access exactly what you need while establishing greater time and creative freedom than ever before.

You’ve got a business, but the effort to continue to create growth feels all-consuming. You started this business for freedom and impact but it’s feeling more like a 9-5

You want to sign your dream clients with ease and to create clients like a ninja everywhere you 

You incarnated to redefine how women relate to each other, the world, and themselves

Space is one of your highest values. You are craving more room to breathe, more time to rest, play, and invent. But you just can’t see how to create more abundance in less time.

You’ve already put in your 10,000 hours on mindset work. Now, you want to build the exponential skills of consciousness to expand your results beyond your human personality and tap into your cosmic potential.

Meet Beyond:

The Wealthy Woman Accelerator with Juliet Trnka

And rather than telling you what to do, we hold the space for that wisdom to emerge and move into action. Beyond knows that your path to success doesn’t need to look like anyone else’s. Rather than give you a cookie-cutter formula, we give you the support, guidance, and tools to unearth your own blueprint for 7 figures and beyond. Beyond KNOWS you are not going to settle for anything less than absolute wholeness and success as YOU define it - and it’s going help you receive it. Faster. Easier. With more pleasure. 

Beyond knows your indwelling wisdom is the boss of your business

Erin reflects that she was able to redefine leadership from a path of struggle to a path of allowing..

Before working with Juliet I felt absolutely overstretched. I love my work, my family and my life but I didn’t have adequate space to feel, to connect with myself, to fully be the badass that I am! Even as I felt joy in my work, I felt a massive weight of responsibility coupled with scarcity of time and energy. Juliet put me back in touch with my radical truth and championed me in taking the risk to live it even more than I was. Leadership has been redefined for me, and everything has changed.


This is the ONLY space you need to ensure your flow of insight, inspiration, and consistent revenue growth.

No more feeling stuck, overwhelmed, and alone. No more feeling like you need to take 10 different programs to teach you 10 different things.

Too many ‘all access pass’ spaces fail to fill in the blanks. Too many ‘done for you’ services take into account that an exponential business will constantly require refinement and there is no such thing as a ‘set it and forget it’ strategy. Too many training spaces are offering shiny new information AT you rather than standing as a creative and thought partner that honors the unique plot twists of YOUR journey of success.

This is a space of wholeness, with everything you need to soar.

This isn’t just a membership. It is a soul home for you and your business.

yes! I want to accelerate my wealth!

Get instant access to these programs when you sign up

The Beyond Private Podcast

Consciousness Jailbreak

Sales Liberation


Enlightened Selfishness

7-Figure Side Effect

Journey of Limitless Abundance

A rotating suite of in-depth masterclasses
currently Featuring...


A completely private podcast where I drop daily business guidance aligned to the greater cosmic rhythms seeking to unfold themselves through our work. We unravel the mystery of money. I share behind-the-scenes info on how we are building and 8-figure business. Insights from the throne, just for you

The Beyond Community

So many women yearn to be around others who get them, who inspire them, who affirm them simply through their authentic presence. This is a community designed to call your greatness and tenderness forth

Lead From Within

Every quarter we’ll have opportunities for community members to step forward, to guide us all in an integration practice, to move energy, to grow and inspire. I know there is room for us all. Not only that, I know the boundlessness of abundance that is possible when we each choose to stand up and take that space.

The Coyote Vault

Imagine a magical library filled with book after book, each title drawing you in and asking you to devour it. The Vault is my grimoire of business magic, filled with hours and hours of earth magic, manifestation initiations and business trainings. 

Submissive Sales

Sales Legend

Beyond is reserved for women who...

Are making money and want to create a lot more - on their own terms. You know you could continue to earn by following the old paradigms, but you want to lean alllll the way into the trust that you can do it your way, and still thrive. Time with your kids. Movement every single day. Channeling the Divine. Getting paid simply for the power of your witness. Vacations. Time for art and lovemaking. It’s all on the table when your business is an authentic expression of your truth

Have done endless mindset work. Now you are yearning for an advanced conversation to build your mystical legacy.

Know that signing soul-aligned clients, selling out your offers and claiming 7 figures requires tremendous faith, inspired action and willingness to regularly do things that feel crazy. It doesn’t happen by accident but by intent. 

Are ready to make a quantum revenue leap - like, yesterday. Gloriously impatient and laser-focused on making their dreams come true. They want to go from burnout to booked out and feel 100% clear that they are ready to go

Are looking at what most coaching programs are offering and don’t feel challenged or intrigued. You’ve been around the block. You are no longer satisfied with the basics. Massive results don’t feel like a wistful vision-board pipedream - they are your requirement.

Feel very strong, positive vibes towards coyotes, ancestors, stardust and subtle realms.

Define success as millions of dollars AND a business that feels yummy, fulfilling and turns you on every day

Are craving solid, intimate community. You want to be surrounded by women who call you to your greatest - just like you show up differently on your yoga mat when you go to an advanced class, you need an environment that brings out your best.

You’re still reading, which means you haven’t clicked the button to join -

That’s all about to change.

This page is a sign and it has a clear message for you:

If you’re not up to your third eye in delight with a 7-figure business that you love every single day, then you don’t know everything yet! And you require an environment that can nourish and challenge you into full expression, faith and taking actions every day that look crazy to ‘normal’ people.

Let me be the first to tell you, I didn’t come into entrepreneurship automatically trusting and following my inner compass. I had a well-worn mechanism of projecting my authority onto others who were happy to tell me what to do with my business, money and time. 

The woman you’ve been up until now? She has a decision to make. Stay as she is and settle for what she’s got right now (even though it’s less than she really wants)..


choose to hold her head high, look money in the eye and take the next step forward

Every time I felt like I had painted myself into a corner it was because I had tried to follow someone else’s when I had 50 hours of sales calls every week and was not only exhausted, but getting onto calls with clients who were completely wrong for me..
..or when I had invested heavily in a launch that barely broke even
..and even when I was charging way less than I knew was correct, because I didn’t want to ‘threaten’ anyone 

Every single one of these moments shook me awake. Each one revealed a moment where I was holding back. Was I really going to devote my life to building this business, but not go all in on my truth? Is half-assing really who I am? Or did I want to be Juliet who succeeded because she was crazy enough to listen fully to her deepest inner signal? Again and again I have chosen option 2.

I have a multimillion-dollar business that I love - and it’s not because I’m perfect. It’s because again and again and again, I choose myself. 

And it worked - until it didn’t. 

When I started a global shamanic coaching company meant to liberate leaders and create the impossible, I didn’t know how it would turn out. I did it anyway.

When I decided I wanted to move my entire family across the country, and relocate to Sedona with a 10x of every area of my life, I didn’t have a guarantee that my kids would have a better life or that I could financially sustain it. I chose to move anyway. I also turned my learnings from that hellish sales-call strategy into conscious sales courses that have brought in millions to my business.

And I alchemized that launch into creating multiple 1:1 clients that brought over $500K to my business throughout that year….not because I knew ‘how’ but because I kept saying YES.  You might not know how Beyond will change your life and business in the next 12 months, and that’s ok. You never actually need to know how. 

Our task is only ever to say YES. 

A year from now, you'll be glad you did.

What's Included:

LIVE Monthly group training sessions with Juliet ($20,000 value)

LIVE Guided Shamanic Energy Activations with Juliet ($30,000 value)

Quarterly Lead-From-Within Sessions with circle members ($25,000 values)

The Coyote Vault filled with self-study trainings to accelerate your destiny ($15,000 value)
4 Bespoke Advanced Trainings in Sales and Manifestation ($4,000 value)

Rotating Series of Multiple-Module Masterclasses in Quantum Business ($9,000)

The Beyond Private Podcast with of-the-moment downloads from Juliet ($2,000)

The Exclusive Beyond Private Community (Truly Priceless)

I'm a yes to going all in!

Two payment options:


$1,999 for the year!

Cancel anytime!

When you know you're all in!

Still have questions? Just send me a message and we’ll get them answered once and for all!